Therapeutic Games

Therapeutic Games from LEVGAMES and other creators constitute a rich and high-quality toolbox for therapists and professionals from various fields. A game, by definition, is designed to make games an experience of fun, excitement, lightness and humor. Using games during therapy will increase children’s curiosity and interest in the process and their cooperation. This is especially significant for children with ADHD and hyperactivity, who need new and exciting stimuli frequently.

Children have difficulty expressing complex and abstract emotions in words, so play in general and therapeutic play in particular is a more natural and comfortable means for them. Therapeutic games are an effective communication channel even for older children who are shy and introverted or with communication difficulties. This is especially so in light of the fact that the game is reciprocal, conducted “at eye level”, and allows for the creation of a relationship of equality.

The range of therapy games and therapy cards includes game kits for therapists, therapy games for emotional difficulties, a game for treating communication disabilities, games for emotional therapy and regulation of emotions, CBT game, therapy cards for improving communication skills, a therapeutic game for dealing with trauma and more. Therapeutic games are innovative and effective tools for working with children and adults alike.

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