Therapeutic cards
Therapeutic cards allow an intermediary bridge for in-depth work and help children and adults open up, converse and touch on complex content. The therapeutic cards and therapeutic games on display are a rich toolbox for therapists from different approaches and professionals from different fields. Therapeutic cards are recommended for psychologists, social workers and various therapists.
There are patients whose inner world is accessible, clear and understandable to them and they manage to relatively easily comprehend their feelings, thoughts, the challenges they face. In contrast, there are those who have difficulty reaching a work process of introspection, of emotional experience. The therapist’s job requires a lot of patience. The source of the uniqueness of the therapeutic cards is expressed in this very place. The meaning of these cards is actually the use of images and metaphors, the ability to lend one concept to explain another concept with its help.
Therapy cards help diagnose difficulties and facilitate access to content from the unconscious. It is relatively easy to delve into and move from a visible and conscious level of discourse to that which lies beneath the surface and is unaware, to identify various difficulties, to observe processes and to be immersed in therapeutic work.
Therapeutic cards are recommended for therapeutic work
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